Rep. Bill Delahunt's prescription for the pharmaceutical industry ("On Rx costs, better to be a pet than human," Feb. 24) would harm medical progress. The congressman apparently fails to understand the big cost differences between developing medicines for people and developing medicines for animals.
To develop a safe and effective drug for humans, it takes 12-15 years and half a billion dollars. To develop an animal drug costs nowhere near that amount of money or length of time. Every once in a while, we get lucky and find a human drug that works for animals, and the animals benefit.According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, they benefit not only from the drug but from the fact that the work already done on the human drug reduces the cost of the animal drug and allows it to be sold for less. Furthermore, the AVMA says the prices of animal drugs do not provide a compelling argument for claiming that human drugs are priced too high.
Instead of wasting time comparing apples and elephants, members of Congress should get to work on the real problem: the need for expanded drug coverage for Medicare patients. The pharmaceutical industry is working to give Medicare patients the same choice of high-quality health-care coverage that members of Congress, including Rep. Delahunt, now enjoy.
Alan F. Holmer
President and CEO
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
Washington, D.C.