There are countless opportunities to volunteer in the community. No special skills are necessary other than a desire to help others. For information about listings in the Helping Hand Column, call Volunteer Services at 887-1254 or visit the Web site at ( For information regarding support groups, please call the Information and Referral Center at 978-3333.Faith in Action: Assist isolated seniors in daily living. Volunteers over 18.

Genesis Services: Help with Human Rights Committee on employment issues for the disabled. Knowledge of legal issues, abuse and advocacy helpful.

Golden Oldies and the Murray Senior Bands: Perform in bands in senior care facilities throughout the valley.

Guadalupe School: Tutor English as a second language Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

Heart & Soul: Provide entertainment in senior care facilities.

Highland High School ESL Program: Tutor students in reading skills, Monday through Friday, 2:45-2:10 p.m.

Holy Cross Ministries: Tutor English or provide child care. Volunteers over 16.

Homeless Children's Foundation: Work with children in the classroom 9 a.m. to noon or 3 to 5 p.m. Need classroom supplies, diapers and baby wipes.

Homeless Shelter School: Provide one-on-one tutoring.

The Homeless Youth Resource Center: Donate backpacks, sleeping bags, blankets and camping supplies.

Homeless Youth Resource Center Training/Mentor Program: Do technical writing for grants.

Housing Authority of the County of Salt Lake: Tutor at-risk youth K-9, various sites, times and days available.

Hospice: Assist the terminally ill and their families by providing companionship and helping with miscellaneous needs; training provided.

International Rescue Committee: Teach English to refugees. Many speak German, French or Italian. Flexible schedule.

Legal Aid: Help staff attorneys provide low-income legal service.

LifeCare: Retirees experienced in management and organization needed to help direct and facilitate services. Benefits included. Also need fabric and batting for quilts, as well as personal shopping and laundry carts for low-income seniors.

Lincoln Elementary: Listen to children read and edit the stories they write.

Literacy Action Center: Teach literacy skills.

Midvale Police Department, Victim Assistance Program: Help support and provide services to victims of violent crimes. Training provided.

New Outlook Associates: Provide rehabilitation through creative arts therapy for people recovering from accidents, illnesses and disabilities.

Pet Samaritan Fund: Provide foster home for cats and dogs. Help with adoptions and other events as well.

Primary Children's Medical Center: Readers needed for children's library -- bilingual preferred.

Ronald McDonald House: Needs greeters, office and kitchen helpers in three hour shifts.

Rosemond Elementary School (Riverton): Tutor children one to two hours a week.

RSVP: Seniors 55 and older needed to volunteer in environmental projects, fund raising, crime prevention, food pantry workers and as reading tutors.

Safe Place: Provide community education or transportation for children.

Salt Lake Art Department: Be a docent, give gallery tours. Free training, flexible hours.

Salt Lake City Library: Information desk attendant, main library, three hours a week. Also need a clerical worker four hours a week in human resources.

Salt Lake Community College: VISTA volunteers needed to work in volunteer centers. Positions offer living allowance and educational stipend.

Salt Lake County Aging Services: Visit seniors in their homes and help with financial matters. Also, large and small groups, families and individuals of all ages for a variety of assignments. Also recruiting low-income seniors to work with children or seniors (reimbursement/benefits provided).

Salt Lake Housing Authority: Tutor at-risk youth from low-income families, grades K-9.

Salt Lake Interfaith Hospitality Network: Work with the homeless.

Salvation Army : Need help to make 500 sandwiches for the hungry. Also needs volunteers to help in their thrift stores.

Senior Companion Program: Need people 60+ to assist older adults in independent living.

Sorenson Multi-Cultural Center: Monitor children and adults in computer lab.

State Office of Education: Provide student support, correct exams and do administrative tasks for GED on TV.

Tapestry of Polygamy: Do light typing, filing, answering phones. Also need part-time legal assistant to help an attorney with research, filings, case preparation and management.

This Is The Place Heritage Park: Cataloging, registration, inventory and general collection work at the park a few hours a day, one or two days a week.

Transitional Support Center: Assist young women with their searches for jobs, housing and community networks; provide encouragement and resource referrals.

Travelers Aid Society: Work with Scout troops, give music lessons to children (other than piano), assist in children's playroom for adult classes, organize books for Children's Literacy Center.

TriConnections: Fold candy boxes for organization for the disabled.

UPNet: Assist with report related to elected officials receiving off-year financial contributions.

Utah AIDS Foundation: Help with hotline.

Utah Alzheimer's Association: Help with special projects for National Alzheimer's Disease Month and the annual gala.

Utah Council for the Blind: Read, provide transportation or be a partner for group activities.

Utah Division of Wildlife Resources: Do office work, assist with information and public education.

Utah Food Bank: Help sort food, build food orders, help at garden. Monday-Thursday 3-9 p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Utah Foster Care Foundation: Give assistance in being foster friends, tutors, or mentor parent as well as providing relief care for a child with special cultural, religious, educational and medical needs.

Utah Legal Services: Perform initial client interviews.

Utah State Library: needs assistance with recording books on tape, repairing audio equipment, and inspecting books as they are mailed.

Utah State Park: Assist in research, update database and general office work.

Vista Care: Share talents in music, art, crafts, gardening, reading, etc. Also need marketing and office support.

Wasatch Reads Program: Books for children K-6 at Bennion Elementary.

Wasatch Humane Society: Help with pet adoptions at PETsMART (Layton/Taylorsville) rotating weekends; also short-term foster care for dogs and cats.

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Waterford Family Literacy Project: Help children and adults learn to read.

West Valley Police: Assist crime victims with references, referrals and direct assistance; provide crisis intervention.

Westminster College: VISTA volunteers needed to work in their volunteer centers. Positions offer living allowance and educational stipend.

YWCA Battered Women's Shelter: Assist with landscaping; individuals, businesses and groups welcome.

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