It doesn't seem to bother the obsessed advocates of the Second Amendment that they play fast and loose with the meaning of that unfortunately poorly worded addition to the Constitution. They blithely skip over the first part about the militia and happily go on to make the most outrageous generalizations about the near obligation of each and every one of us to pack a gun.
Let me, in this same spirit, make a few generalizations of my own about the gun zealots I personally know. I'll bet the majority of you there in Utah feel the same way about this cuddly minority. Remember, as in all generalizations, the exception proves the rule.Most gun nuts I know are just a little bit paranoid. The "government" is coming to get their guns any day now; usually in a black helicopter or something similar. Most gun nuts are not particularly well-educated.
Somehow, most people's perceived need to own a lot of guns diminishes with each year of higher education. By the time you become a college graduate you have probably stuck dad's old hunting rifle in the far back of the closet and don't think about it for years at a time.
Most gun nuts have a chip on their shoulder. Someone else is to blame for their lack of success in the world -- what I like to call the "minorities and authorities" syndrome -- and when they get their chance they are going to get even. They have to blame someone for the lack of control over their lives. These day's it's usually Clinton and whichever minority (read: criminal element) happens to be most visible in their community.
What do you think?
Max M. Brown
Sarasota, Fla.