The hue and cry have gone out across our nation; the clatter is almost deafening. Guns, those horrible instruments of death and destruction, are public enemy No. 1. If you own one or are sympathetic to those owning one, you are a horrible cancer in our society. A cancer that must be eradicated.
The No. 1 issue with regard to public safety, according to the Clinton administration, is guns. Everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon of public discourse with the hysteria of a herd of Chicken Littles. "We'll only be safe when all the guns are gone."In May 1991 while giving a speech as "point person" and president of Gun Control Inc., Sarah Brady (wife of James Brady of the Brady Gun Control Bill) said, "Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed."
So therein lies the truth behind the smoke and mirrors. For Sarah and her pals the Clintons and their socialist supporters, what has been touted as a public safety issue is nothing more than a ruse to hide their real agenda of socialism. Their goal is to take away your rights any way they can, and then when you are defenseless, they will grind you into submission.
By his very actions, Mr. Clinton has shown his total disregard for the rule of law, the Constitution and the republic that he swore a sacred oath to uphold and protect. Public enemy No. 1 is not guns, the NRA or law-abiding citizens who have every right to self-protection. Public enemy No. 1 is the leftist establishment whose goal is socialism, not freedom and justice for all.
Thomas D. Grover