PROVO -- The BYU Comprehensive Clinic, 1190 N. 900 East (Taylor Building), is offering psycho-educational group training experiences. The following are some of the groups offered.Engaged Couples' Group. This group is for couples who are engaged or are seriously dating and offers a variety of discussion topics including: communication, finances, traditions, gender roles, values, intimacy, family of origin issues, marital expectations, problem-solving and conflict resolution, and marital enrichment ideas. The group meets from 6 to 8 p.m., Wednesdays beginning May 3 and runs eight weeks.

Married Couples' Communication Group. This group focuses explicitly on improving the ability of spouses to hear each other on a variety of levels. The group meets from 7 to 9 p.m., Tuesdays, beginning May 9 and runs four weeks.

Divorce Adjustment. This group is for recently divorced adults who want support in adjusting to the changes that occur with a divorce. The group meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m., Tuesdays, starting May 2, or from 7 to 9 p.m., Thursdays, beginning May 11 and runs for eight weeks.

The cost for all groups is a one-time fee of $15 per person or $30 per couple. Fees can be waived or decreased based on financial need. Groups are led by graduate students majoring in clinical psychology and marriage and family therapy.

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For more information or for a calendar of events call 378-7759.

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