Classes in some schools around the country were canceled Thursday because of threats of violence on the anniversary of the Columbine High School shootings. The closings included:Hinkley High School in Aurora, Colo., less than 20 miles away from Columbine. Authorities were tipped off to a possible threat but found nothing after a search.
All schools in the Barron district of northern Wisconsin. Superintendent Vita Sherry said there had been rumors of potential violence last week and April 20 had been circulated as a possible date.
Epping High School in Epping, N.H., where police said a threat that people would die on April 20 was scrawled on the school's bathroom wall.
Other schools that received threats but remained open:
North Layton Junior High School, south of Ogden, Utah, where a student allegedly plotted to kill classmates Thursday. A spring dance was postponed.
Encinal High School in Alameda, Calif., where three students were in custody for creating "hit lists" naming 105 students to be killed Thursday.