You'd expect to hear some pretty conservative talk when Salt Lake County Republicans gather.
And that's what you'll get Saturday in the county GOP convention.Twenty-two resolutions pre-filed for consideration by the 1,400 delegates deal with lower taxes, Second Amendment gun rights, education reform, national security and corporate welfare.
Among them are resolutions saying:
"The taxpayers must and should be protected and indemnified against any tax, fee or other attempt to raise and/or extort funds for the purpose of funding any shortfall that may be incurred by the 2002 Winter Olympics."
Troops from foreign nations should not be housed for any length of time in the United States.
The 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which allows for the income tax, should be repealed.
The tax system in Utah should be overhauled to require a majority or supermajority vote of the people before any tax can be raised.
Public libraries should not contain vulgar or obscene material, and no material should promote violence.
English should be the official language of the nation. Another says all bilingual programs in public schools should be stopped, but English as a second language classes should be increased.
Finally, there are three resolutions on gun control, all basically saying there should be no further restrictions on concealed-weapon permit holders.
The platform is a general statement of beliefs on 22 separate issues. While there is no separate statement on abortion, under a "Life" category it says: "We believe that families and society have the responsibility to preserve and maintain the sanctity of life."
The resolutions and platform adopted by the county party hold no power of law. However, several internal GOP groups say they will hold Republican candidates from Salt Lake County to those resolutions and the platform, expecting them to vote for those political ideals while in office.