Must be catching
So Florida coach Billy Donovan, the ex-Jazz player, and his team finish second in the NCAA Tournament.
Hmmm. A former Jazz player . . . a second-place finish . . .
Sounds about right to me.
Two of a kind
Billy Donovan or Eddie Munster.
You make the call.
Magical advice
Quite the counsel Magic Johnson gave MSU players before the championship game. He told them not to hold anything back, enjoy the moment and leave everything on the floor.
Thanks for the insight, Magic Man. But you fell one short of the coveted Grand Slam of sports cliches. You forgot "let the chips fall where they may."
The price is right
Attendance at the new LDS Conference Center last weekend: 21,000 per session. Attendance at the Jazz-Golden State game, Friday night: 19,911 announced — though there were actually several thousand empty seats. Does that mean religion is a bigger draw in Utah than Jazz basketball?
We'll never know, unless they start charging $50 for a good seat to conference.
Clash of the titans
What's up with that Mailman/Sloan dispute last week?
First Malone snaps at the trainer, then Sloan snaps at Mailman, then they continue in the locker room. First clue it was more than an ordinary exchange: Sloan came out of the locker room sans-necktie.
Could Malone have grabbed Sloan's tie? Did Sloan rip it off in anger?
Naw. He probably just noticed it didn't match his suit.
To put the whole Sloan/Malone thing in perspective, consider this: In Seattle they whack one another with free weights.
Last week the Sonics' Gary Payton and Vernon Maxwell began arguing, and before long weights were being tossed around. Horace Grant bruised his left shoulder trying to break things up.
A good rule of thumb: If the arguing involves neckties, it isn't serious.
If it involves free weights, call the cops.
We hardly knew ye
Awwwww! They're doing away with the bibs on the BYU football uniforms!
Just when I was starting to like 'em. Of course, I'm also starting to like the price of gas.
Rise and shout
Now what's left to make fun of at BYU? Besides guys who jump out of the stand and tackle the cheerleaders, I mean.
Beautiful noise
South Carolina football coach Lou Holtz thinks the team's fight song makes no sense and is considering writing a new one. Since when were fight songs supposed to make sense?
Can anyone tell me what "Ki-yi!" in the Utah fight song means?
All together now
Holtz points out that he can't find anyone on campus who knows the words to the fight song anyway.
Picky, picky. That's what fight songs are all about — humming along and not knowing the words.