The political left relentlessly clamors for greater gun control -- always in the name of curbing violence.
However, the Clinton administration's solution to most of its perceived problems is thuggery.Whether it's the dropping of 10,000-plus bombs on Serbia in an undeclared war, an armed invasion of Haiti, tanks being used against civilians in Waco or automatic firearms being pointed at citizens in Miami, coercion seems to be rule for the left whenever it serves its purposes.
If the political left is serious about ending violence, they should be peaceful examples.
Touting virtue with the lips, while doing the opposite with one's deed is repugnant.
Don't expect the left to be screaming for measures to take guns away from the enforcers of their policies any time soon, despite what just happened in Miami.
But rest assured that the next time a civilian pulls something like this, the left will start shrieking for more gun control.
Greg Smith
Salt Lake City