A letter to the editor in a recent edition of the Deseret News demands a response. This article was written by Earl V. Elmont of Midvale. Mr. Elmont complains about being embarrassed by the "shenanigans " of Rep. Merrill Cook. Too bad for Mr. Elmont. Maybe he needs to be a bit better informed on Merrill Cook and what he stands for and just how knowledgeable and hard-working Mr. Cook is. Mr. Elmont obviously did not attend the debate between the three Republican candidates for the congressional seat currently held by Cook in the County Commission chambers recently.
I also am a delegate to the state Republican Convention. And wanting to learn all I could about the three candidates, I attended the debate among the three men. This debate was really an eye-opener to me. I learned just how much more Merrill Cook knows about the job and the know-how to handle it than either of the other two men seeking the position. Too bad Mr. Elmont did not take the time to do the same. If he had done so, he would not now be bad-mouthing Merrill Cook.I am convinced that Merrill is head and shoulders above either of the other two for this job as our representative.
Vaun Fotheringham