The Festival of the American West runs through Aug. 5, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Special events include:
American Heritage Quilt Show, Wellsville Tabernacle, 75 S. 100 East, Wellsville; running throughout the festival.
American West Art Show featuring Cowboy Hall of Fame artist Jim Norton and others in the Livery Stable at the festival site; running throughout the festival.
"The West: America's Odyssey," 9 p.m. to 10:15 nightly in the outdoor amphitheater (bring sweaters and blankets).
World Champion Dutch Oven Cooking, Aug. 5, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. After the judging is complete, visitors get to sample the dishes.
Tickets for adults are $10 for the fair, $10 for the pageant or $19 for a combo. Seniors and students are $9, $9 and $18, and children under 12, $5, $6 and $10 respectively. A family one-day pass is $65.
For more information or tickets, call 888-828-2831 or 435-245-6050 or visit