I am tired of the news media badgering Merrill Cook about how 13 percent of the eligible voters, the news media and the mainstream Republicans defeated him in the primary election. Then blaming him for his defeat.
Why don't you tell the residents of the 2nd District that he was:
1. The only congressman from Utah who voted for the working men and women of Utah by voting against the China trade bill.
2. He is the only congressman from Utah who has co-sponsored HRJ 77, a resolution to reclaim the Panama Canal. Every U.S. senator knows the treaty the Senate passed and the treaty Panama approved are different, thus making the giveaway null and void according to international law.
3. He was the only congressman from Utah who voted against the last federal budget because it contained the most "pork-barrel projects" of any federal budget ever.
4. Remind them Utah received less federal dollars last year than any state in the union, but Utah received their full share of the Federal Fuel Tax Trust Fund because of Merrill Cook. Tell them about many other times he has voted for the best interest of his district and against the trend to support the "one world government."
Tell them why the news media and the Republican leadership stood silently by, not making a peep, when Chris Cannon meddled in 2nd District politics.
It is time the 2nd District voters learned the truth about his voting record, and the truth about what has been described as erratic behavior.
D. Lynn Crook