House Democrats failed to lower the gift-disclosure amount in the state's lobbyist law.
Democrats tried to amend a bill by Rep. Ron Bigelow, R-West Valley, that would outlaw lobbyist gift-splitting to avoid naming lawmakers who accept expensive gifts. Democrats wanted to lower the reporting level from $50 to $25.
Even though a House GOP caucus voted two weeks ago 24-20 in favor of cutting the dollar reporting level in half, those Republicans didn't show up for Thursday's vote. House Minority Leader Ralph Becker's amendment to Bigelow's bill failed 26-42.
But the minority party members still hope Becker's gift-banning bill will be heard by a House committee later this session.
"This is an issue (limiting lobbyist gifts to lawmakers) of great importance to our constituents," said Becker, D-Salt Lake. "It speaks to the standards we uphold for ourselves and for the lobbyists who deal with us."
But some senators have already privately told Bigelow this session they wouldn't support lowering the gift-taking reporting level.
"And getting half a loaf of (stopping the splitting of gifts costing more than $50 by several lobbyists to avoid naming lawmakers) is better than no loaf at all," Bigelow said.
After Becker's amendment to lower the reporting level failed, Bigelow's anti-splitting bill passed 70-0 to the Senate.