After following the many letters and articles regarding recent developments in the Legacy Highway project, I still haven't seen a definitive description as to how mass transit is going to achieve its all-encompassing goal of moving all the people who need to be moved.
UTA is thrilled with its 20,000 per day ridership from the south valley into downtown. (Is that one way or round trip or what?)
However, I commute from Riverton and the roads appear as crowded as ever. The reconstructed I-15 is, for the most part, a pleasure to commute on. On bad weather days I stay away from I-15 and use secondary surface streets.
It's good to have those alternate routes for any situation that might tie up I-15, whether it be weather, accidents or whatever. I would not agree that TRAX is the reason for the better traffic flow on I-15.
What do the folks in the northern corridor through Weber and Davis counties have when I-15 gets jammed? Nothing like we have in Salt Lake City.
They are just plain stuck! How is it that we in Salt Lake County get to dictate to the rest of the state how things should be run in their back yards?
Another point about building roads causing population. Many of the people born and raised here want to stay here. Many of those are not going to be swayed by the dearth of roads to want to live where they want. Socialistic politicians should stop their socialistic engineering and let people choose with their willingness to pay for what developers will build.
Steven Pollard