Envirocare cannot seem to answer one question directly or truthfully. Last week, after two hours of hammering on the same question, "How long is the low-level, class B and C waste hazardous?" the public now has misinformation, and this misinformation was promptly reported in Utah's two major newspapers.

With Envirocare spreading false information, Envirocare grows increasingly suspect and untrustworthy. How can decision-makers and the public expect to become educated and informed when Envirocare wastes everyone's time with lies and dizzingly circuitous answers to basic questions about the waste and the facility?

When answering the burning question, Envirocare has now falsely stated publicly that the class B and C waste are hazardous for 100 to 500 years. The truth is that the 100, 300 and 500 year "rule" for class A, B and C waste, respectively, is merely an administrative, arbitrary tool that the federal government selects for managing and monitoring the waste. Those time frames have absolutely nothing to do with the longevity or hazard of the waste.

The fact is that waste is lethal and tenacious and is hazardous for thousands to millions of years. It is also fairly mobile once it gets into the environment.

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So let's start hearing some truth, Envirocare.

Here is some advice for decision makers and the public: Since you won't get truthful information from Envirocare, talk to the real experts in the state Division of Radiation Control. They will answer your questions directly and honestly.

Robin Jenkins


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