Dear Jim: I would like to add some outdoor security and decorative lights, but I don't want to waste electricity. I am also concerned about "dark sky" problems. What type of lights do you recommend for my home? — Julia K.
Dear Julia: With rolling blackouts and skyrocketing electric bills, wise and efficient use of outdoor lighting is critical. A single 150-watt floodlight can cost $60 per year to operate at night. Also, with the excessive outdoor light pollution in many areas, the skies are never truly dark any longer.
A combination of shielded efficient HID (high intensity discharge) lights and motion-sensing lights can be effective without creating
excessive light pollution. One or two security lights will deter a thief from approaching your home. If one does, the motion-sensing lights will frighten him away.
"High intensity" refers to the types of light fixtures and bulbs, not that HID's are extremely bright. There are several types commonly used for homes: high pressure sodium (HPS), metal halide (MH) and mercury vapor (MV). These and fluorescent lights are much cheaper to use than incandescent floodlights. Shielding refers to directing the light where it is needed instead of indiscriminately flooding an entire area. Many new security lighting fixtures are designed to provide illumination in only certain directions. Select fixtures with electric eyes so they go off automatically in the morning.
As an example, several of my neighbor's security floodlights shine in my bedroom window all night long. By using a less bright, shielded light, they could save $50 per year in electric bills and I would get more sound sleep.
The new efficient outdoor light fixtures are also stylish with durable beveled, opal, diamond and prismatic clear and frosted lens. The styles include antique light posts and lanterns, contemporary real wood bollards, shielded floodlights, mushroom, floating pond, in-ground, etc. lights.
In addition to security issues, consider how the lights will brighten outdoor areas used for entertaining. Mercury vapor lights will enhance your landscaping and gardens and they can produce a realistic moonlighting effect. High pressure sodium lights are the most efficient. One 35-watt high-pressure sodium bulb provides more light than five standard 40-watt incandescent bulbs combined. Metal halide lights, which are slightly less efficient, produce a cool white light for brilliant blues and greens.
Fiber optic lighting is effective and easy to install yourself. You just run thin plastic cables (no electric wiring) to various fixtures in your yard. One central light bulb provides light to all of the cables.
Write for (instantly download — Update Bulletin No. 898 — buyer's guide of 14 HID and fiber optic security/decorative light manufacturers listing styles, bulb types, bulb efficiency, features and cost-to-operate charts. Please include $3 and a business-size SASE. James Dulley, Deseret News, 6906 Royalgreen Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45244
Dear Jim: We are planning to sell our house in a year. While we are making cosmetic and efficiency improvements to it, my Realtor suggested that we replace 18 hollow interior doors with solid ones. Is this wise? — Al H.
Dear Al: It has been 20 years since I was a licensed real estate agent, but I doubt that you will recover the $1,000+ expenses in a higher resale value. Interior doors are not high on most prospective buyers' priorities. You would get a better return by making some noticeable energy conservation improvements. People are again becoming very interested in utility bills. Also, if their utility bills are lower, they may qualify for a larger loan.