As an native of the United Kingdom and also a member of The Church of Jesus of Latter-day Saints, I am pleased to be able to access the Deseret News on the Web. I have noted with interest the recent articles regarding the Winter Olympics 2002, missionaries at the airport and other church-related stories.
It does give me some cause for concern when I read the report on the 2002 Olympics and the hype being built up over the LDS Church and its involvement. What is wrong with identifying with the heritage of such an area as that which so many of your readers are privileged to live in? The Games are for the world, yes, but I would expect if the Games, winter (no chance in the United Kingdom) or summer, were ever held in the UK we would certainly find that reference would be made to our great heritage, the monarchy and of the British way of life (rule Britannia and all that) and why not?
So the Winter Olympics are being held in Utah. Can you really expect to separate the LDS Church from the state of Utah? You tell anyone in England that you are off on holiday to Utah and their immediate response is "that's where the Mormons come from." Not matter what the LDS Church does, to some it will be inappropriate and to others it will be not enough.
Yes, this is not the Mormon Games but let's just accept that if it were not for the LDS Church and the sacrifice of so many, maybe Utah would not be what it is today.
You have a wonderful state populated by wonderful people of all faiths. I have had the privilege to visit on a number of occasions. My hope that you can all enjoy the Games that are to come and that those who visit will feel the friendship that is there.
Mike Rugby
Nottingham, England