WEST BOUNTIFUL — The 2000 Census put West Bountiful's population at 4,484 — just seven residents more than in 1990. City officials thought they had more than 5,000 residents.
"We're a little baffled," City Manager Wendell Wild said Monday. "We're not sure exactly what the deal is."
The surrounding cities — Centerville, Bountiful and Woods Cross — grew in the 1990s by an average of 20 percent. Davis County, Utah's third largest, grew by 27.2 percent.
Wild agrees that West Bountiful has not seen the growth that the surrounding communities have, but several subdivisions have been built since the last census, and Wild estimates "well over 100 homes" were built since 1990.
"That just really doesn't compute," Wild said.
Wild said city leaders may look into contesting the census figures.
However, a decision has not been made since the city has yet to dig into the issue.
The city is interested in learning if demographics — such as children from families moving away — have changed over the decade.