"God bless us all to walk humbly with him and with all men. I testify that President Gordon B. Hinckley is a true prophet and that his counsel to "be humble" comes from God. I testify that Jesus Christ, God's meek and lowly son, personifies humility. I know that it will be in humility that we one day kneel at the Savior's feet to be judged of him. May we live our lives to prepare for that humble moment."
The Savior has given us a model for developing humility by teaching us that to become humble is to become as a little child. King Benjamin teaches that becoming like a child is a gradual process of spiritual development, in which we are aided by the Holy Ghost and Christ's Atonement.
"Through this process, we will eventually acquire the childlike attributes of meekness, humility, patience, love and spiritual submissiveness. True humility will inevitably lead us to say to God, 'Thy will be done.' And, because what we are does affect what we do, our submissiveness will be reflected in our reverence, gratitude and willingness to accept callings, counsel and correction."
A helpful perspective on humility can also be obtained by examining its antithesis, pride. Just as humility leads to other virtues, pride leads to other vices.
"I think sometimes of what life would be like if we all possessed greater humility. Imagine a world in which 'we' would replace 'I' as the dominant pronoun. Think of the impact on the pursuit of knowledge if being learned without being arrogant were the norm."