"Put first things first. Do the best you can while on Earth to have an ideal family. To help you, do ponder and apply the principles of the Proclamation on the Family."
Time and again statements are made at funerals that the deceased will inherit all the blessings of celestial glory when that individual has in no way qualified. The Lord's mercy does not overcome the requirements of his law.
"Find a retreat of peace and quiet where periodically you can ponder and let the Lord establish the direction of your life. Each of us needs to periodically check our bearings and confirm that we are on course. Sometime soon you may benefit from taking this personal inventory:
"What are my highest priorities to be accomplished while on Earth?
"How do I use my discretionary time? Is some of it consistently applied to my highest priorities?
"Is there anything I know I should not be doing? If so, I will repent and stop it now."
While wholesome pleasure results from much that we do that is good, this is not our prime purpose for being on Earth.
"Seek to know and to do the will of the Lord, not just what is convenient or what makes life easy. You have his plan of happiness. You know what to do or can find out through study and prayer. Do it willingly."
An ideal family is composed of a righteous Melchizedek Priesthood bearer with a righteous wife sealed to him and children born in the covenant or sealed to them.