"These are difficult times, and the world's cultural and sociological landmarks of propriety, honesty, integrity and political correctness are constantly shifting."
We might well ask, 'Is there one clear, unpolluted, unbiased voice that we can count on?' Yes. The voice of the living prophet and apostles. It is no small thing to have a prophet of God in our midst. Knowing that also endows us with responsibility. Our response should be positive and prompt.
"History has shown that there is safety, peace, prosperity and happiness in responding to prophetic counsel."
President Hinckley has petitioned the Lord on behalf of our young people. Have we studied his counsel? Are we hearing the words of the prophet to us as parents, as youth leaders and youths? Today I make you a promise. If you listen to the living prophet and the apostles, you will not go astray. The video "President Gordon B. Hinckley Speaks to Youth and Parents" is a wonderful resource for families and youth discussions.
"As I have traveled throughout the church these past few months I have noticed that many of you are eagerly following his counsel . . . To those of you who have not listened yet, I caution you to not disregard the counsel of the president of the church."
If you listen with your heart, the Holy Ghost will manifest the truth of the messages delivered by the prophet, apostles and other leaders of the church. We are blessed to be led by God's prophet.
"May we listen and then do those things that he teaches us is my humble prayer."