In such simple things as a small Primary class, the Kingdom of God is growing.

Even a world-class university (which Elder Porter was then attending) "did not and could not hold the ultimate answers to the problems of a troubled world. What was taking place in Primary that day was a small part of a divinely revealed plan for the salvation of a fallen world.

"We are inclined to see the building of the kingdom as something that takes place beyond the horizon, far away from our own branch or ward. In truth, the church advances both by outward expansion and by inward refinement."

"We do not have to be called to serve far from home, nor do we have to hold a prominent place in the church or in the world in order to build up the Lord's kingdom. We build it in our own hearts as we cultivate the spirit of God in our lives. We build it within our family by instilling faith in our children. And we build it through the organization of the church as we magnify our callings and share the gospel with neighbors and friends."

In the quiet sanctuary of the home, parents can build generational gospel links through such things as family prayer, family home evening, home gospel study and spending time with children in wholesome activity.

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"If we truly desire to contribute to the great latter-day work, our eyes will be single to the glory of God, our minds enlightened by the testimony of Jesus."

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