Rep. Jim Matheson's recent vote for the final passage of the energy bill has left me in total dismay.
All through his campaign, I was under the assumption that he believed in protecting our future through conservation efforts. Now his vote — to encourage drilling for non-renewable resources in our nation's last great pristine ecosystems — is totally contrary to what I thought he stood for.
How could he vote for legislation that allows drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and at the same time not impose tougher fuel efficiency standards for sport utility vehicles? This defies common sense. Large automobile manufacturers and big oil will do anything to avoid such restrictions. People need to stand firm and demand their rights for a better world. Rep. Matheson represents these people, and he has let us down.
His vote has denied ecosystem sustainability in favor of short-term profits.
If this voting trend continues, public support for his re-election will dissolve.
Dan Miller