As I picked up my Saturday morning Deseret News, I turned to the sports section. I am a very avid Jazz fan and keep up with the articles written about them.
This morning, I was impressed with the article about Karl Malone. He is an ordinary person who must deal with daily trials in his life, and he admits it.
He is Karl Malone on the basketball floor. Karl Malone who helps a lot of families, and he is just Karl Malone. He has good days, he has bad days. I do too.
He has personal family problems that sometimes overwhelm him. I do too. Thank you, Karl, for admitting you're an everyday human being.
We sit back and judge Karl and others and wish we could trade places with them. Karl Malone has some big shoes to fill, and I believe he does a great job!
Thanks for being honest with your fans. I hope before Karl Malone retires, I can afford a front row seat at the Delta Center and personally meet him.
Thanks, Karl, you're the greatest!
Connie Conder
American Fork