Dear Heloise: Did you know that according to SpayUSA, two breeding cats and their kittens and their kittens' kittens and so on can have more than 80 million kittens in 10 years, if none of them is SPAYED OR NEUTERED?
Spring is the time when there are far too many kittens and pups. Shelters all over the country report that boxes of animals come in every spring, and nine out of 10 cannot find homes or get homes that only last a year or two.
The only solution is to stop this at its source, by spaying and neutering cats and dogs early — BEFORE they have a litter!
Young cats/dogs can have babies at only 5 months! Many veterinarians now spay or neuter cats and dogs at 4 months old. Also, keep in mind that littermates can breed, so if there is a brother and sister kitty or pup, be sure to have them "fixed" as soon as appropriate.
People who cannot afford full price for spay/neuter can call our help line at 1-800-248-SPAY. Thanks! — Esther Mechler, director, SpayUSA, Stratford, Conn.
Thanks for your reminder, Esther. I think many people are unaware of the young age that dogs and cats can "come into season" (become physically able to breed and have babies). Readers, please take heed. — Heloise
Dear Readers: Sassy, a Dalmatian belonging to Marlisa Bevers of Roswell, N.M., is adorable. Marlisa sent in a photo showing him with his head completely through a tiny doggie door. He seems to be saying, "I wish I could come in and join the party."Send your favorite pet photo to Heloise/Pet Photo, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279. —Heloise
Dear Heloise: My two dogs take medication daily. To make sure the pills are never missed, I put them in pill holders that have separate compartments for every day of the week. I put different-color stickers on each holder with their names printed on them.
It really comes in handy, just as it does for people taking medication. The dogs actually look forward to their pills, since I wrap them in a little piece of cheese. They think they're getting a treat. — J.S., Houston
If you've moved to a new town and are looking for a good boarding kennel, here are a few things that might help you decide. Word of mouth is the best recommendation. If a few neighbors and friends use one kennel, then more than likely you will like it.
Pay a surprise visit. If the pens are clean and there is plenty of clean water and bedding in each pet area, it is a good sign that it is always kept up. Also, make sure that all pets are required to have up-to-date vaccinations before the kennel will board them.
There is a Web page for the American Boarding Kennels Association,, that has lots of information for anyone interested in boarding his or her pet. Please check a kennel out BEFORE you need to board your pet — don't wait until a day or two before a trip. Also, if you can, take your pet for a trial visit before you have to board it there. #151; Heloise
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