A rose by any other name . . .
The American Rose Society Web address is www.ars.org. It has information about the Utah Rose Society.
Bauer is launching a new Web site that features photos he has taken of his roses. The address will be www.rose-roses.com.
To keep your roses blooming throughout the summer, deadhead them properly. Cut the old blossom off at the first five leaflet leaves below the spent blossom. Most types will continue to bloom and produce another heavy flush of blossoms in the fall.
The Utah Rose Society meets monthly. Call Roger Keddington at 268-3774 for information on summer meetings.
The Chapungu Sculpture Exhibit opens June 15 at Red Butte Garden. Meet the artists between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. that day. Look for our story on this extraordinary display next week.