Panicked yet? Stressed out? Stumped for a decent Christmas gift idea?

Relax. O.C. Tanner has it all figured out for you.

Remember O.C. Tanner? World's most beautiful jewelry store. Located on North Temple just off Main Street in downtown Salt Lake. Conveniently positioned next to a bank.

Every year, O.C. Tanner, in keeping with its image, does its best to create Salt Lake City's most beautiful Christmas window displays. It's Tanner's gift to the city. The windows are so beautiful, homeless people walk by and count it as a handout.

This year, designer Bob Martin, along with Ann Howard, decided to use as his theme the "12 Days of Christmas" song, starting with a partridge in a pear tree, two turtle doves, and so forth.

Of course, the partridge, the turtle doves, the swans a swimming, the maids a milking, et al, are clever ways to introduce what they euphemistically represent.

What your true love really wants.

Really expensive jewelry.

For instance, the eight maids a milking window display deftly presents an emerald cut ruby ring with emerald cut diamonds on either side, designed by Picchiotti. Retail price: $69,500.

The seven swans a swimming window is the stage for a diamond line bracelet set in half bezels by Colormaster that sells for $24,000.

Nine ladies dancing? That's a nearly ideal diamond wedding set by Michael B. with a retail price of $61,700.

The Tahitian and South Sea pearl drop earrings accented with diamond flowers by Picchiotti represent six geese a laying for a mere $14,500. The emerald cut sapphire ring with blue half moon diamonds is the jewelry equivalent of two turtle doves at $52,000. The yellow and white diamond ring from Luca Carati is three french hens ($5,650), the diamond bow pin mounted in 18-carat white gold is four calling birds ($16,900).

For some reason, the five golden rings display translates to just one Cabachon-cut ruby and diamond ring — but it's really large — that sells for $19,900.

And the partridge in a pear tree? That's a tasteful strand of South Sea pearls with a diamond ball clasp that retails at $29,000.

Ten lords a leaping is a "right hand" diamond ring for a mere $6,550, 11 pipers piping is a ruby bracelet priced to sell at $33,000 and 12 drummers drumming is an oval brilliant cut diamond ring with shield-shaped sidestone diamonds that retails at $56,000.

Grand total for the 12 days of Christmas, O.C. Tanner window display version: $388,700. Plus tax.

Although Paul Woods, the store's affable merchandise manager who personally guided me through the dozen window displays, indicated the strong possibility of a bulk discount for anyone who purchases all 12 days — plus complimentary gift-wrapping and all the gold-wrapped O.C. Tanner chocolates you can carry in your pockets.

The alternative, of course, is to take your true love down to North Temple and gaze upon Bob Martin's latest Christmas masterpiece from the sidewalk.

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Sprinkled among the dozen displays are no less than 17,000 Swarovski crystals that Bob and Ann personally handset with toothpicks — a project that started last August.

The jewelry boxes, toys and decorative chains are covered with anywhere from eight to 12 coats of enamel to produce just the right glow and color.

Looking is free and you can look as long as you like. But to be on the safe side, you might want to go when they're closed.

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