A pair of Ogden teenagers on a weekend ski trip through the Weber County backcountry were missing Saturday night.
The boys, aged 17 and 18, parked a car at Snowbasin at 5 a.m. Friday and then drove to Ogden and the Taylor's Canyon trail head at the top of 2700 South. Their plan was to snowshoe Taylor's Canyon and Malen's Basin, hike over the peak of Mt. Ogden and then ski through the backcountry into Snowbasin Ski Resort, Weber County Sheriff's Office Lt. Jeff Malen said.
The boy's names were not released Saturday.
Family members expected the boys to arrive at Snowbasin about 3 p.m. Saturday to meet family members. The resort's ski patrol searched the mountain inside resort boundaries but could not locate them and called the sheriff's office.
A break in the weather on the face of the peak allowed a Utah Highway Patrol helicopter to search the area. The pilot and a Weber County Sheriff's deputy spotted they boys' tracks going over the peak but still could not locate them. The air search was called off at dark and will resume about 9 a.m. today, if the weather permits, Malen said.