The Deseret Morning News has now designated Rep. Chris Cannon to help the "illegals" become more than unwelcome guests. This is admitting we have no other solution to being overwhelmed by continuing illegal immigration.
Our elected leaders take an oath to protect our borders from our enemies. Some of our enemies don't carry a gun but they desecrate and terrorize our citizens along the south border. They expect and get free education, medical help and driving privileges they haven't earned. These are the short problems. The long problems are very devastating. They take jobs away from our young people. They are dictating our country's policies by affecting our language and working conditions.
I am shocked to think that, in your opinion, the H-2A Work Visa program can lead to a "legal status" for a group who "more or less stole their way into our country in the dead of night." If you are happy with the invasion by our enemies and if citizenship means nothing, then do nothing. If, on the other hand, you expect applicants to be honest and willing to wait their turn, then contact our leaders.
E.P. Morgan
Salt Lake City