As Elder Claudio R.M. Costa of the Seventy presides over essentially any stake conference in northern South America, he can see the impact of the historic revelation to President Spencer W. Kimball.
"I cannot recall a single occasion when I have not [looked out] on the congregation and not seen black [members]; I love them so much," said Elder Costa, a Brazilian and president of the South America North Area.
Many such members are now assuming seats in front of the South American congregations. Elder Costa recently called a member of African descent to preside over a stake in Ecuador. Colombia's predominately black Choco region, he added, is rich with local leadership.
Elder Costa has witnessed such growth since he heard the happy news of the 1978 revelation in Brazil.
"It was a day of joy when the revelation came. I remember people crying. People rejoicing over the news."
Later, Brother Costa was called to open the Brazil Manuas Mission. Counted among his best missionaries were elders and a sister of African descent from Brazil and the United States.
"President Kimball is in the heart of a lot of people. They are so grateful for his vision," he said.
Elder Costa now looks optimistically to the next 25 years in his native continent.
Faithfulness of members such as Geinner Mosquera, who spends every Tuesday working in the Bogota Colombia Temple, feeds that belief. Brother Mosquera regards his own endowment in that South American temple as one of the most beautiful experiences of his life. Brother Mosquera of the Tierra Linda Ward, Bogota Colombia Stake, has African ancestry. He recognizes how his life has been forever enriched by the 1978 revelation.
He joined the Church more than a decade after President Kimball died, but the late prophet's legacy was felt when a pair of missionaries knocked on his door.
"They shared their message with me."