Location: Ogden
Role/mission: Type II institution, offering associate, bachelor and master's degrees. No course work above the master's level. Emphasis is on teaching, scholarly efforts complementary to the teaching role and community service. Teaching loads average 24 credit hours each academic year.
Admission requirements: Based on high school grade point average and standardized test scores. Two levels of requirements: college level, high school diploma or GED. University level, 17 or above on ACT English score and 23 or above on the math score. Offers remedial and prerequisite courses for students not adequately prepared.
Enrollment 2002-03: 18,654 head count.
Degrees granted, 2001-02: Certificates, 80; associate, 1,442; bachelor's, 1,803; master's, 86; total 3,411.
Tuition and fees: Resident, $2,427; nonresident $7,295 (two semesters).
President F. Ann Millner: "Weber is known for being a teaching university. Professors know the students well enough to be supportive and to help them achieve their individual goals. We also reach out to underserved areas of the state. In August, a new building will be opened in Layton to bring university programs closer to Davis County residents. We serve a gamut of students from certificate programs to the master's level. Accommodating a growing number of students at a time of budget constraints is the key challenge facing the university."