A Utah County man remains in serious condition after a weekend accident.
Rescue crews were dispatched to a location near U-68 at mile marker 21 just before 5 p.m. Saturday to the report of an off-road vehicle accident. Deputies said the accident occurred near some very rough terrain.
Pulled from the wreckage was Daniel Oldham and Kerry Oldham. Both men were airlifted to the University of Utah Medical Center in critical condition.
According to hospital staff, Kerry Oldham's condition was upgraded and was released Monday afternoon. Daniel Oldham remains in serious condition.
An investigation into the accident is continuing.
A Springville man has entered a not guilty plea to charges that he repeatedly sexually abused a girl under the age of 14.
Daryl Otterson, 41, entered the plea to three first-degree felony counts of sodomy upon a child and rape of a child. He also pleaded not guilty to two second-degree felony counts of sex abuse of a child during an appearance in 4th District Court Monday.
According to a probable cause affidavit, police say Otterson sexually abused the girl on several occasions before her 14th birthday. Police say some of the incidents were witnessed by the girl's brother. Also in the probable cause statement, police allege Otterson told them that he felt the girl was trying to blackmail him with the allegations.
Judge Anthony Schofield ruled there was enough evidence to take the case to trial.
Spanish Fork
A national disaster response organization that focuses on protecting animals will hold a training session at the Spanish Fork Fairgrounds June 13-15.
Noah's Wish, a California-based organization, is recruiting and training volunteers from Utah, Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming. Training includes animal-rescue techniques, how to shelter animals and how to handle animals as disaster victims.
Terri Crisp, founder and director of Noah's Wish and author of "Out of Harm's Way" and "Emergency Animal Rescue Stories," will lead the training.
Friday's training will be from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Saturday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Willie Nelson Arena Building. A tentative training schedule is on the organization's Web site, www.noahs-wish.orgunder "Training Itinerary."
A proposal to annex 90 acres in the foothills near an area where homes were devastated by a surprise mudslide last year will come before the City Council tonight.
A channel has been dug at the top of the area. The channel is intended to protect the area from future mud and debris flows should heavy rains again loosen the soil.
Other work will begin next week to further protect the developing east foothills, he said.
The Santaquin neighborhood that was smothered by the November mudslide was built on land identified as an area likely to be hit with falling debris and rocks, according to a government map of geologic hazards. A 10-year-old map created by county geologists defines the hillside as a "rock fall and debris flow area."
The meeting begins at 7 p.m., at 45 W. 100 South.
A $1.5 million lease-purchase agreement for financing the city's new ball field and recreation complex will come before the City Council tonight.
The council is also scheduled to discuss an alternative to the original plan of extending 800 South through the site of the former Payson Downs race track, which was razed in April.
The council did an about-face in May when it abandoned a five-lane extension for 800 South. A narrower configuration is being considered, Councilwoman Colleen Jacobson said.
The meeting begins at 6 p.m. in City Hall, 439 W. Utah Ave.
A corporation famous for its chocolate bars is sponsoring a program to introduce youth ages 9 to 14 to track and field.
The Hershey Corp.'s track program will sponsor a meet at the Mountain View Track Stadium Friday at 10 a.m. Boys and girls will compete in different age groups.
A fee of 50 cents per event will be charged.
Registration is at 9:30 p.m. the day of the meet. Call the Orem Fitness Center at 229-7455 for information.