"May (general conference) become an anchor in our lives, a guide by which to live" (President Gordon B. Hinckley, "A Time of New Beginnings," Ensign, May 2000, 87).
"Our modern-day prophets have encouraged us to make the reading of the conference editions of our Church magazines an important and regular part of our personal study. Thus, general conference becomes, in a sense, a supplement to or an extension of the Doctrine and Covenants" (President Howard W. Hunter, "The Heavens Are Open," from Come unto Me, Church video, 1988).
"For the next six months, your conference edition of the Ensign (or Liahona) should stand next to your standard works and be referred to frequently" (President Ezra Taft Benson, "'Come Unto Christ, and Be Perfected in Him,' " Ensign, May 1988, 84).