I am sick and tired of all of the moaning, crying, whimpering and complaining by the educators and their politicians about the alleged tremendous loss of money if any kind of voucher program is instituted for parents to take their children out of the public school system.
So, what is it all about? What is the real problem they are afraid of?
First, I have never heard of any voucher program authorized by any government that would take all of the money allocated for a student and give it to the parents. It is always a fraction, usually half going to the parents and half remaining with the public school.
Then what is the public school losing? The student and some of the allocated money. Thus, the school winds up with more money per student and fewer students.
But still the complaining goes on. Why? It has nothing to do with money. These people are not stupid. They know what the facts are. It has to do with the power for a socialist system. They cannot imagine any good for any program that dilutes their control over their socialist system.
Robert W. English
Salt Lake City