On Nov. 21, C-Span had Mexican ambassador, Carlos DeIcaza, on its program. Calls to ask questions were allowed. Mr. DeIcaza first gave a overview of how important the illegal immigrants were to our country. He said they receive no benefits — such as medical help and education — for their children. He mentioned how Mexico is working very hard with the United States on border control and that it has a very efficient security program to control the incoming terrorists.
He failed to mention how many hospitals are near closing or closed due to the medical benefits now being issued to illegal immigrants or how we are having major educational problems trying to have bilingual teachers in our school systems while our children go without a proper education.
Mr. Delcaza did not fare well with the very nasty comments from people calling in. Our elected officials should start listening to their constituents. There is a groundswell from very unhappy citizens.
Norm Lindgren
Salt Lake City