Howard Dean — he of liberal presidential politics and strong voice — is coming to Utah Monday.
Dean will attend a Democratic fund-raiser in Park City Monday night, and he'll likely stop by at his first cousin Peter Corroon's inauguration.
Corroon, the Salt Lake County mayor-elect, will be sworn into office Monday morning, along with auditor Sean Thomas and four council members: incumbents Michael Jensen and Marv Hendrickson and newcomers Jenny Wilson and Mark Crockett.
Thomas has been acting as interim auditor since being appointed by the County Council, after Craig Sorensen resigned last summer. He will run again in two years to dovetail with the election schedule of the other non-mayor, county elected offices (assessor, clerk, district attorney, recorder, sheriff, surveyor and treasurer).
Several people involved with the swearing-in ceremony said Dean would make an appearance, but Corroon himself said it's not a sure thing.
The inauguration is scheduled for 9 a.m. Monday at County Council chambers.