1/7/41 5/12/04
Wade Julius Drawn, age 63, died May 12, 2004 at home.
He was born January 7, 1941, in Salt Lake City, Utah to Julius and Norma Foster Drawn. He enjoyed camping, fishing, and hunting, and metal crafts. He loved dogs.
Survived by: son, Johnny Drawn; daughters, Vivian Drawn, Audrey Drawn, Melissa Drawn, and Amanda Mitchell. Brothers, Gary and Gaylen Drawn; sisters, Bonnie Melito, Carol Allen, Bobbie Johnson, and Shanna Quorp. Preceded in death by his mother Norma and his father Julius.
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Memorial Services will be held Friday, May 14, 2004, at 11 a.m. at the Deseret Memorial Mortuary, 36 East 700 South.