Clematis need support unless they scramble over walls or sprawl as groundcovers. The ultimate size and vigor of the clematis determine the support needed. Use thin wire supports since the plant climbs by twining petioles that cannot grasp thick branches or heavy trellising. Larger, more vigorous types of clematis grow well on arbors and pergolas.
For a listing of selected species and cultivars and how each of the categories need to be pruned, check Larry Sagers' Web site at
Wasatch Community Gardens' Annual Plant Sale is Saturday, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., at the Garfield School, 1838 S. 1500 East. The sale features heirloom vegetable and flower plants as well as drought-tolerant landscape plants.
USU Extension, the Utah Botanical Center and Utah House are sponsoring a workshop on Basic Landscaping, Saturday, 9-11 a.m., at the Utah House, 920 S. 50 West Kaysville. Admission is free, but registration is required (451-3403). The Kaysville-Fruit Heights Iris Society Iris Show will be May 22, noon-5 p.m., at the Utah House, 920 S. 50 West, Kaysville. Admission is free.