Question: We are trying to give our daughter the skills to handle college stresses without resorting to SSRI-type drugs. There must be natural ways that she can remain calm in stressful situations without resorting to a medicine like Paxil or Zoloft.
I read your article on anti-depressants and suicide. As a parent, this concerns me. Please let me know your thoughts.
Answer: Although college life can be stressful at times, most students manage to get through pressures like final exams without anti-depressant medications. Some people actually find that SSRI drugs like Prozac and Paxil make them more rather than less anxious.
Social support from friends can be extremely helpful. Regular physical activity, whether it is running or yoga, can also be a valuable way to handle stress. Most colleges have counseling for students who feel overwhelmed.
For a person who is seriously depressed, an anti-depressant such as Celexa, Effexor, Paxil, Prozac or Zoloft can be a lifesaver. But the patient and her friends or family should be alert for unusual reactions that might put her at risk of suicide on such a medicine.
We are sending you our Guides to Anti-depressant Pros & Cons and Psychological Side Effects for more details on these medications. Anyone who would like copies, please send $2 in check or money order with a long (No. 10), stamped (60 cents), self-addressed envelope to: Graedons' People's Pharmacy, No. MX-23, P.O. Box 52027, Durham, NC 27717-2027.
Question: Have you ever heard of having a black tongue? If so, could you tell me what causes this and what can be done to correct it?
Answer: Have you been taking Pepto-Bismol? This familiar stomach medicine contains bismuth subsalicylate. It can turn the tongue black. Brushing the tongue should make it disappear, but if it persists you should show it to your doctor.
Question: Some time ago my psoriasis flared up severely after I started taking atenolol for high blood pressure. The dermatologist found that atenolol was the cause. People with psoriasis should be careful with this kind of medicine because it might not agree with them.
My primary-care doctor put me on a different blood pressure medicine, and I am pleased to report the psoriasis is clearing up.
Answer: Your story shows how important it is to give a complete medication history to every doctor you see. The doctor taking care of your blood pressure might not have known you have psoriasis, or may not be aware that beta-blockers like atenolol might make this skin condition worse.
Question: I'm going to visit my daughter in a few weeks, and she has two cats that have the run of the house. When there, I suffer runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing from the cat hairs that are all over the house and furniture.
Can you recommend something over-the-counter for me to take during the visit?
Answer: NasalCrom is a nasal spray that can be quite effective if taken preventively. You will need to start spritzing several days before arriving so you can stabilize the cells in your nose and protect them against cat allergens.
If you also took the oral antihistamine Claritin (loratadine), you might be able to minimize the sneezing and allergic reactions. An herbal product called stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is quite popular in Germany and might also relieve your allergies. It is available in health food stores.
In their column, Joe and Teresa Graedon answer letters from readers. Write to them in care of King Features Syndicate, 888 Seventh Ave., New York, NY 10019, or e-mail them at or via their Web site: Their newest book is "The People's Pharmacy Guide to Home and Herbal Remedies" (St. Martin's Press). © King Features Syndicate Inc.