ODYSSEY II, the junior organization of Odyssey Dance Company, directed by Bonnie Story, is holding auditions Aug. 4 from 4-6 p.m. for dancers ages 14 and older in the Treehouse Athletic Club, 1101 E. Draper Parkway (12300 South). Dancers should bring a picture and rsum and be prepared to dance ballet, tap, jazz and hip-hop combinations (495-3262).
THE SALT LAKE CHILDREN'S CHOIR, directed by Ralph B. Woodward, is now scheduling auditions for musicians 9-15 years of age, in preparation for its 25th anniversary year. The choir, a prize-winner in international competitions, emphasizes correct vocal development and performances of music of the great masters, as well as outstanding folk and contemporary music from around the world. Next year's Salt Lake concerts will be held in the Cathedral of the Madeleine and Libby Gardner Concert Hall.
In February 2005, the touring choir will make three appearances at the National Convention of the American Choral Directors Association in Los Angeles (537-1412).
THE SALT LAKE SYMPHONY will audition French horn, clarinet, bassoon, trombone and all strings on Aug. 24 (Jenna Gee , 266-3812).