SANTAQUIN — Utah Department of Transportation will replace a bridge on U.S. 6 between Santaquin and Goshen, said Lori Dabling, Region Three project manager on Thursday.
The bridge spans the Union Pacific Railroad track and is cracking heavily, exposing the rebar underneath, she told a gathering of the 10 mayors that serve south Utah County cities. The bridge was built in 1933 and widened in 1961, she said.
The new bridge should be completed by fall 2005, she said. The engineer's estimate is $1.5 million.
Other UDOT projects coming up in Utah County include:
Extending the cable barrier on I-15 to fill in all the gaps between the Alpine-Highland offramp and U.S. 6 in Santaquin. The new barrier has proven successful along other sections of the freeway preventing vehicles from crossing over into oncoming traffic. So far accidents involving the barrier have not resulted in fatalities, UDOT spokesman Geoff Dupaix said. The project should be completed by mid-December. Estimated cost if $1.7 million.
Resurfacing U.S. 89 from 300 South in Springville to the Provo City Cemetery in late spring 2005 at a cost estimate of $1.4 million. The project is tied to Springville's installing a raised median in the downtown area.
Installing a traffic signal at 2550 East and U.S. 6 in Spanish Fork in 2006. Officials are working with Spanish Fork to acquire more right-of-way and to get railroad clearances from Union Pacific, which has a track nearby. UDOT wants to square the intersection, which now comes in on U.S. 6 at an angle, Dupaix said. The cost is estimated at $545,000.