Hurricane blown me far beyond
From my mother's womb
To this useless anxious life
Squeezing my life slowly
Every bit of energy out of me,
I'm like a walking skeleton
Moving frame of bones
I wonder if I'm still alive.
The galaxy is glowing
Brightening the skies
Moon reflects sunshine
Stars twinkling with beauty
So heaven seems to have peace
Internal peace for skies
To void the human suffering
I wonder if I'm still alive.
I'm confused
I'm a war child
I was born in war
I fought wars
I survived in war
I was traumatized by war
I'm still in war
I wonder if I'm still alive.
Do I deserve peace as a child?
From my first years as under age
Why am I exposed to war?Will I ever abandon the AK-47
And go to school?
Who will be that Samaritan?
Who will bring peace to my country Sudan?
Who will claim my child rights to me?
Who will let me drop my AK-47 I love to hate?
Do you feel me as I talk?
I wonder if I'm still alive.
Was I born to suffer?
Will I ever deserve such freedom?
Who will heal my wounds?
I wonder if I'm still alive.
by Kim Simon, Sudanese refugee