I hate to say this, but I am just not impressed with Bolerjack and Booner. If this is the year for our "Pure Adrenaline Rush," I want a good "play-by-play" announcer who really loves the game of basketball, especially the Utah Jazz, who brings excitement to our Utah Jazz games. Let Bolerjack announce the plays and let Booner continue to analyze them. That would work.
Friday night I turned off the TV and turned on Hot Rod on the radio and had him announce the game for me. It was exciting. It was full of love for the game. It had his great Southern accent and gave me the adrenaline rush I needed.
We get enough statistics before and after the game, as well as at halftime, and I truly enjoy hearing about both teams then. But while the Jazz are playing, I want to hear about the game and some enthusiasm for our team!
Mary Jo Schaub