Those either for or against the Legacy Parkway now have more time to voice their opinions.
The Utah Department of Transportation announced Tuesday that a public comment period for an environmental study of the roadway has been extended until Monday, March 21.
The original deadline for comment was this Friday.
"There are so many people who have strong feelings about this project," said John Thomas, UDOT director of the Legacy project. "We feel that it is appropriate to extend the comment period in order to give everyone the maximum opportunity to review the draft SEIS and provide meaningful comments."
The draft SEIS for Legacy, or Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, was released for public review in December. An Environmental Impact Statement is a study of potential harms caused by a road project, and is administered by the Federal Highway Administration and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Public comment is a key part of any EIS — especially for controversial projects like Legacy, Thomas said. The Highway Administration and Army Corps are required by law to review all comments submitted during the comment period and recommend changes to the EIS, if needed.
"Comments from interested citizens are critical to helping us shape a project that will represent public needs and desires," Thomas said in a statement.
To view a copy of the Legacy SEIS, log on to: Information about the 14-mile roadway is available at the same site.
Comments about the project can be submitted three ways: e-mail:; phone 801-951-1039; or mail the Federal Highway Administration, 2520 W. 4700 South, Suite 9A, Salt Lake City, UT 84118 or U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 533 W. 2600 South, Suite 150, Bountiful, UT 84010.