Utah farmers and ranchers will have a rare opportunity to share their views and concerns with the U.S. secretary of agriculture today as part of his national "farm bill forum," held at the Utah State Fairpark.
The event, billed as a national "listening tour," will focus on issues affecting farmers and ranchers ahead of the crafting of the 2007 Farm Bill. It will run from noon to 3 p.m. in the Pioneer Building of the Fairpark, 155 N. 1000 West.
To date, Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns has conducted forums in 12 states: Tennessee, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, California, Pennsylvania, Alabama, New Mexico, Kentucky, Illinois and Kansas. Additional forums have been conducted by USDA officials in Indiana, Wyoming, Alaska, Idaho and South Dakota.
"I'm learning a great deal from the people participating in the farm bill forums," Johanns said in a prepared statement. "These forums present a tremendous opportunity for the citizens we serve to have a voice in the development of a new farm bill."
The department is asking farmers and ranchers to provide feedback on six questions, ranging from competitiveness and farm program benefits to conservation and rural economic development.
The questions are:
How should farm policy address any unintended consequences and ensure that such consequences do not discourage new farmers and the next generation of farmers from entering production agriculture?
How should farm policy be designed to maximize U.S. competitiveness and our country's ability to effectively compete in global markets?
How should farm policy be designed to effectively and fairly distribute assistance to producers?
How can farm policy best achieve conservation and environmental goals?
How can federal rural and farm programs provide effective assistance in rural areas?
How should agricultural product development, marketing and research-related issues be addressed in the next farm bill?
The forum also will allow a period for general comments, according to the department.
Larry Lewis, spokesman for the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, called today's event "a unique chance, a rare opportunity" for local farmers to share their views with the Bush administration.
"It's been many, many years since a secretary of agriculture has held a speaking forum in Utah," Lewis said Tuesday. "It is encouraging that Washington is pausing to hear from farmers and ranchers in Utah and the West. For the majority of the land mass in Utah, the economic impact of agriculture is significant."
Moreover, Lewis said, both Utah Commissioner of Agriculture and Food Leonard Blackham and Gov. Jon M. Huntsman Jr. are "emphasizing strengthening the economies of rural Utah, and that's done via agriculture."
Those who are unable to attend in person, or who do not get an opportunity to respond directly to Johanns today, are encouraged to submit written responses via the USDA Farm Bill Forums Web site at www.usda.gov/farmbill.
"They're here to listen and take notes," Lewis said. "There are six specific areas of interest where the secretary wants to hear comments, to help craft the farm bill. But yeah, many times people complain that Washington isn't listening to them. Well, here's their chance to say what's on their mind. It's a three-hour forum. That's significant."
E-mail: jnii@desnews.com