KAYSVILLE, Utah — Senior Primary children of the Kays Ward, Kaysville Utah Stake, wrote a song recently called, "I See the Temple," in honor of the Bountiful Utah Temple, which can be seen from most of their homes. The children premiered the song during sacrament meeting on Jan. 22 on the day the ward was divided to create the Old Mill Ward.
The song writing began last fall, said Maurie Tarbox, the then-Primary pianist in the Kays Ward, who is now in the Old Mill Ward. "We started playing around and writing. We'd do it once a month in singing time. We'd add a few more notes. The kids would choose the notes."
Sister Tarbox, who fine-tuned and arranged the music, with the help of chorister Shauna Snell, said they got the words by asking the children how they would describe the temple. And they used those exact words, she emphasized, such as "(the temple is) bright, the heavens look over it. Our families can be sealed for eternity."
Sister Tarbox added that when she arranged the music, the words "fit to the music. It was amazing. Some of the children who would never participate, especially the boys, were so excited about this. That alone was such a testimony builder to us."