Oct. 13 — "An Evening of Opera and Broadway," arias, duets, quartets, and choral selections from operas and Broadway musicals will be performed in the Assembly Hall at 7:30 p.m. Free admission (801) 240-3323.
Oct. 13-14 — Ninth Annual Hispanic Family History Conference, celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, will be held at the Family History Library. All classes in Spanish. Pre-conference course on advanced Hispanic research on Oct. 13 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call Carlos Alvarez at (801) 240-6084, Ruth Gomez Schirmacher at (801) 240-1530, or go to FamilySearch.org. Free admission.
Ongoing — Garden Tours at Temple Square. Meet at the south doors of the Church Office Building for a tour of the gardens around the Beehive House, Joseph Smith Memorial Building and Church Office Building Plaza, or at the Conference Center, Door 15, for Conference Center Rooftop Garden tours, Monday through Friday at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Also, at 7 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings for Church Office Building Plaza gardens tour only. For private tours call 801-240-5916.