And we did magnify our office unto the Lord, taking upon us the responsibility... — Jacob 1:19

My husband, Howard, recently faced open heart surgery for an aeortic valve replacement and a bypass. Our home teacher, Tim Strycker, was at his bedside, offering support and encouragement. During five weeks of three transfers from hospital to hospital, Tim remained a steadfast friend and companion. Shortly following the surgery, Howard had two strokes. In the beginning, he couldn't even turn over in bed without assistance. Through his sleepless nights and discouragement, Tim often reminded Howard of the larger world view, and provided hope that life was going to be better. Tim came many times and watched a sporting event on TV to keep him company. My husband's gradual recovery has been partly due to Tim's spiritual insights and faith.

This latest crisis is not the first time that Tim has been there to bless our family. Despite his very busy schedule, including serving on the stake high council, his visits come early in the month. His lessons are always tailored to our immediate needs and concerns, as mentioned in Jacob 1:9. He has often given us priesthood blessings when needed, sharing testimony and encouragement. He kept track of birthdays, special occasions, and even doctor visits.

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Recently I was considering a calling to be an ordinance worker in the Columbia River Washington Temple. As temple workers, Tim and his wife, Leslie, encouraged me to accept the calling, even if it meant returning to serve without my husband. Accepting this calling has been one of the joyful experiences of my life. I will ever be grateful for Tim's steadfastness, providing us with Christlike love and assistance in every needful thing. Truly he magnifies his calling as a home teacher. — Harriet Sutherland, Kennewick, Wash.

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