Everyone is willing to cut the congressional "pork" — in someone else's state.
I suggest we start right here. The Porkbusters Web site lists Utah as receiving more than $138 million in pork. Let's set the example for the entire nation.
Our Yankee forebears had a saying: "Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without." We should apply the same thinking to such notable causes as the Oquirrh Institute, the Bonneville Shoreline trail and the Sand Hollow Recreation Park. And no one has yet explained to me why citizens in Ohio or Florida should be taxed to pay for Eagle Mountain's wastewater plant.
The only way to cut pork permanently is for someone in Congress to have the courage to cut first. Utahns respond well to courageous leaders. Gentlemen, do you have that courage?
Steve Setzer