PROVO — For those who enjoy an Easter sunrise service but don't enjoy the cold, the service at the Provo Towne Centre Mall is ideal.
Sponsored for the past several years by the Utah Valley Mass Choir, the interfaith service starts promptly at 7 a.m. in the atrium area Sunday.
Pastors from local congregations will offer the prayers and read from the Book of Matthew. In addition, the Utah Valley Handbell Choir, the Utah Valley Mass Choir and the Edgemont LDS 4th Ward choir and pianist James O'Neil Miner will participate.
The service lasts an hour and is open to everyone. Last year almost 500 people turned out.
"We tend to get a lot of families," said Rev. Dean Jackson. "It's a very kind of reflective experience. It's a gorgeous setting and because it's all music and scripture, it's very personal."